



3、student times双语报2021-2022九年级下学期

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia(百科全书).This name is a combination of“wiki" and “encyclopedia". Wiki is the Hawaiian word for quick. Wiki websites are designed to enable users to make addition or edit any page Of the site.

Wikipedia has been accused of exhibiting systemic prejudice and mistakes.Critics argue that Wikipedia's open nature and a lack of proper sources for much of the information makes it unreliable,

Mention Wikipedia within the walls of academy and you'll find no shortage of opinions.That-s no surprise.Can an online encyclopedia that is edited by anyone be trusted as a credible information source? Should students be encouraged to use this tool? And is it even possible to discourage its users?

To find out, we performed a simple experiment.We selected 100 terms from the U.S.history textbooks, We chose a mix of items that students might be asked to research for a test or paper and we entered each item into Google to find out which websites the search engine suggests as the most useful links. The results are shocking. Google listed Wikipedia as the number one: 87 times out of 100.

Several conclusions can be drawn from this finding. First, people searching for information about these historical terms are finding the entries from Wikipedia helpful.Second, 6'banning" the use of Wikipedia appears hopelessly simple-minded.Jimmy Wales, one of Wikipedia's founders, told the New York Times, "They might as well suggest not listening to rock & roll either".

To our untrained eyes, the information from Wikipedia appeared just as reliable.The reason why the content is mostly reliable is probably that these terms are rather mainstream.The high-school level content is less likely to be wrong than the subjects studied in graduate schools. So when primary and secondary students are researching history, Wikipedia is still a proper place to start.

1.Which of the following can best describe Wikipedia?

A.Wikipedia is from the Hawaiian language with the meaning of prejudice and mistakes.

B.Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia edited freely.

C.Wikipedia is an encyclopedia under public attack.

D.Wikipedia is a tool for enjoying rock & roll.

2.What does "it" in the second paragraph refer to?

A.Wikipedia's open nature.

B.Wikipedia's lack of proper sources.


D.Information on the Internet.

3.From the underlined sentence we can conclude that .

A.Wikipedia serves only primary and secondary students

B.People are always ready to find faults with others

C.Wikipedia has a range of topics and is rich in knowledge

D.People hold different opinions about Wikipedia

4.What does the writer imply in the last paragraph?

A.Wikipedia can be useful in certain aspects.

B.Students should be discouraged from using Wikipedia.

C.The information from Wikipedia is totally reliable.

D.Wikipedia cannot be trusted at all.

5.What could be the best title for the passage?

A.Wikipedia-a perfect encyclopedia

B.Wikipedia-a misleading encyclopedia

C.Wikipedia-a paper encyclopedia

D.Wikipedia-a helpful online encyclopedia









1.B 细节理解题。根据第一段提到Wiki websites are designed to enable users to make addition or edit any page Of the site维基的网页为的是能使用户增加或编辑任何的网页,故B项。

2.C 细节理解题。根据第二段提到Wikipedia has been accused of exhibiting systemic prejudice and mistakes维基百科被指责出现系统性偏见和错误,故使得维基百科变得不可靠,因此选C项。

3.D 猜测句意。根据倒数第二段提到First, people searching for information about these historical terms are finding the entries from Wikipedia helpful.Second, 6'banning" the use of Wikipedia appears hopelessly simple-minded.关于历史方面的内容,维基百科是非常有用的,对于禁令的用法太简单,而没有用,故选D项。

4.A 推断题。根据最后一段提到So when primary and secondary students are researching history, Wikipedia is still a proper place to start.可知中小学生当搜索历史时,维基百科仍然是个不错的地方,故选A项。

5.D 主旨标题。本文主要维基百科的大名很多人都听过,这是一个开放式的网络百科全书网站,谁都可以参与到编写中来,贡献自己的智慧。


This is not a typical summer camp. Michelle Pawlaw and eight other teenage girls are participating in the three—day camp offered by the Arlington County Fire Department located just outside Washington. Firefighter Clare Burley is in charge of the program,who said the purpose is to try to get young women interested in considering the fire service as a career.

The free-of-charge,overnight camp is designed to let the girls experience what firefighters do to protect the community. That includes some rigorous activities such as moving a fire victim. “I dindn’t think I could pull that 170 pound body with a friend, but I was actually able to do it.” she said.

They take classes and learn how to climb the ladder on a fire truck, operate emergency tools and rescue an injured person. They also do their share of cleaning the firehouse and the equipment.

“Every week without fail on a Saturday,the job is to wash all the equipment. And we wanted the girls to see this is what we do. This is a typical day in a firehouse,”she said.

Firefighting is still a male-dominated service,but Burley says with 22 women on its force of 320 the Arlington County Fire Department is above the national average of 4.5 percent. She joined the department seven years ago.

“We do everything that the guys do to the same standard. We are tested to the same standard. We are expected to operate at the same standard,”she said.

Most of the girls say they had never thought about becoming a firefighter. but the camp was a great learning experience. ”I think it is definitely not a job that only men can do. Women can do it just as well as men can,”said Michelle Pawlaw.

1.What’s the purpose of the summer camp?

A. To tell the girls how to put firefighting knowledge into practice.

B. To teach the girls what to do when caught in fire.

C. To provide the girls with a typical summer camp.

D. To attract more girls to take firefighting as a career.

2.What can we infer from Paragraph 5?

A. Arlington County Fire Department is in the lead in employing women firefighters.

B. Arlington County Fire Department is the first to employ women firefighters.

C. More and more women are ready to join the fire department.

D. No women ever want to perform the firefighting service.

3.What can we infer from Michelle’s words in the last paragraph?

A. She has determined to join the firefighters in the future.

B. She will persuade her fellow students to join in the camp.

C. She realizes that women can also be good firefighters.

D. She decides that she’ll join in the camp again later.

4.What can we learn about the summer camp according to the passage?

A. American fire departments often hold such events.

B. It is sponsored by Arlington County Fire Department.

C. The girls spent their night in the summer camp,which lasted 3 days.

D. It is very popular among American girl students.







试题分析:本文讲述了由Arlington County Fire Department举办的为期三天的夏令营活动,通过让更多的女性青年参与,让她们做一些消防队员在保护社区过程中会做到的事情,她们从来没想过自可以做这么多,跟男性一样好,以此吸引她们考虑从事消防服务这一事业。

1.理解题。从第一段最后一句“Firefighter Clare Burley is in charge of the program,who said the purpose is to try to get young women interested in considering the fire service as a career.”可知目的是试着吸引更多的年轻女性考虑将消防服务做为一项事业,故选D。

2.推断分析题。从文中第五段“Burley says with 22 women on its force of 320 the Arlington County Fire Department is above the national average of 4.5 percent.” Arlington County Fire Department的320名成员中有22位女性,这样的比例高于国家平均百分之4.5。说明它在雇佣女性消防队员中占第一位的,故选A。

3.推断分析题。从“”I think it is definitely not a job that only men can do. Women can do it just as well as men can”我认为这不全是只有男人能做的,女人也能做的跟男人一样好。选C。

