

    1. 阅读理解

    many of us, summertime means road trips to the beach or mountains, or at the
    very least some additional dust and bird poop on the exterior of our vehicles.
    The extra dirt leads us to do one of two things: wash our car in the driveway
    or head to the car wash. But which choice is better for the environment?

    main concerns with either choice are the amount of fresh water being used and
    the types of chemicals used to remove the dirt. Both of these concerns can be
    closely monitored when washing the car at home, says Katy Gresh, spokeswoman
    for the Southwest Region of the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
    Protection. She advises car owners to put aside a set amount of water for the
    entire wash. "It's just like brushing your teeth," she says,
    "You don't want to leave the water running of more than you need for the
    job." But even following this advice comes with an environmental risk:
    Washing your car in the driveway or street flushes the dirty water into storm

    Schombert, executive director of 3 Rivers Wet Weather, his organization works
    to educate the public about storm sewers (下水道) and water runoff, keeping this
    untreated water from entering the Allegheny region's waterways. "We ask
    people to, consider washing their cars on lawns or other permeable (透水的) surfaces where the water gets
    absorbed," Schombert says. "Soil can break down and help filter (过滤) those things," Schombert says.
    "Storm sewers are not made for waste disposal." Even when car owners
    use natural soaps to wash their cars, which Schombert says are probably
    ineffective at breaking down grease anyway.

    commercial car wash down the street knows full well the rules regarding
    wastewater in storm sewers. According to the International Carwash Association
    (ICA), professional car washes must use water reclamation systems. These
    mandated processes not only keep the dirty water out of storm sewers and
    regular water treatment systems, but they also work to reduce water usage at
    commercial facilities.

      (1)What worries people when they have their cars washed?

      A . The dirt cannot be removed easily.

      B . Larger quantities of water are wasted.

      C . The washing ways do no good to their cars.

      D . The used chemicals are harmless to the environment.

      (2)What's the disadvantage of washing cars at home?

      A . It is not easy to deal with.

      B . It cannot clean the dirt completely.

      C . It consumes a larger amount of water.

      D . It does much damage to the environment.

      (3)What is John's company mainly about?

      A . Purifying untreated water.

      B . Helping the public protect waterways.

      C . Advocating controlling soil and water loss.

      D . Raising the public's awareness of air protection.

      (4)What can be the best title of the text?

      A . Do you put car washing at risk?

      B . Which is better: Car wash or DIY?

      C . Why dish washers are better than hand washing?

      D . Do Americans use less water than they did years ago?