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16.Anne:I haven't seen you for (61)along time.What seems to be the trouble now?
Jim:I feel (62)tired(tire) and I am not feeling pretty well.I have been getting (63)headaches(headache) almost every day in the last few days.And I'm not getting as much sleep(64)asI usually do.
Anne:Have you been eating(65)properly(proper)?Eating the right kind of food is important for your health,you know.
Jim:Well,I haven't been eating too well,I guess.I usually only find enough time(66)to eat(eat) a sandwich and a cup of coffee for lunch.Sometimes I am (67)tootired to eat anything for dinner at all.
Anne:That's not good.(68)Howare things going at work?
Jim:Oh,pretty well.I've been given a rise.It's been necessary for me to work late almost every night.
Anne:Working late and (69)worrying(worry) aren't good for you.(70)Itis important for you to eat healthy food and to get enough sleep.Getting some exercise will help you to sleep better.And I will give you some medicine to take.Remember that you have to be careful about eating. 试题答案

分析 本文主要介绍Jim因工作很晚而导致食欲不好,从而引起头痛.Anne建议他吃健康食物,睡眠充足,适当锻炼,并给他开了些药吃.

解答 61.a 考查冠词.a long time意为"很长时间",是习惯搭配.
62.tired 考查过去分词.过去分词作表语表示主语的特征.
63.headaches 考查名词复数.headache意为"头痛",是可数名词,表示多次头痛要用复数形式. 考查固定搭配.as…as意为"和…一样",表示同级的比较.使用时要注意第一个as为副词,第二个as为连词.其基本结构为:as+adj./adv.+as.
65.properly 考查副词.eat是动词,要用副词修饰.形容词proper的副词是properly. eat 考查动词不定式.to eat作定语修饰time,即:吃三明治和喝一杯咖啡的时间.
67.too 考查固定搭配.too…to…句型为"too+形容词或副词+to do…"译为"太…而不能…",它在形式上是肯定的,但在意义上是否定的.
68.How 考查固定搭配.How are things going?是口语中的常用语,意为"事情进展得怎么样?"
69.worrying 考查动名词.and是并列连词,它前后连接两个相同的语法成分,work与worry并列,都用动名词形式.
70.It 考查it用法.it用形式主语,指代后面的动词不定式to eat healthy food and to get enough sleep.

点评 在一篇200词左右的语篇(短文或对话)中留出10处空白,部分空白的后面给出单词的基本形式,要求考生根据上下文填写空白处所需的内容或所提供单词的正确形式,所填写词语不得多于3个单词.要做好语法填空题,理解短文是解题的前提,扎实的词汇、句型和语法知识是基础,英语国家的背景知识是必要的补充.考生须灵活运用语法知识,如单词词性、单词时态、名词单复数、连接词、代词、冠词等判断各空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.

Chinese parents are very generous when it comes to educating their children.Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the US or Australia. They also want their children to take extra course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life.The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.So parents will spend unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy computers for their sons or daughters.

However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give to their children is usually very cheap.

Parents can see that their children’s skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others.What most parents fail to realize though, is that today’s children lack self respect and self confidence.

The reasons are that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills: they need to be confident, happy and clever.

Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.

Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life.Cooking demands patience and time.It is an enjoyable but difficult experience.A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully.His result, a well cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.These activities are not only teaching a child to work, but rather to think, and to use his mind. And that is more important.