
2022英语周报八上答案19期,我们目前整理分享关于2022英语周报八上答案19期及其参考答案,2如需答案 请关注微信公众号:趣找答案/直接访问www.qzda.com(趣找答案)





10.Children who are brought up by two parents grow up to be cleverer than those raised by just one person,new research suggests.Being with both parents in the earliest years of life leads to a child developing more brain cells,the scientists believe.Being brought up by both parents causes boys to have better memory and learning functions.By contrast,it causes girls to develop improved co-ordination and sociability.
It is believed that babies with two parents tend to get more attention and more stability(稳定),and that they are less likely to suffer emotional distress(悲伤) in the first years of life.This leads to greater brain cell production------for boys it is grey matter brain cells that develop and for girls is white matter brain cells.
The researchers from Canada studied mice and experimented by creating one-parent and two-parent family groups.They then measured the offspring's(后代的) brain cell development from birth to adulthood.Adult mice with the highest number of brain cells turned out to be those who had been brought up by two parents rather than one.As babies they had received more attention and more nursing as both parents took turns to lick and tend to their youngsters,said Dr Samuel Weiss.
As a result,the babies with two parents are less likely to suffer early life hurt which can have a massive impact on how their brains develop in later life,the research shows.However,what did surprise the researchers is that female babies who grew up with both parents turned out to be good single mothers,as if good parenting was passed on.
The researchers said,"In the mouse model,parenting and the environment directly impacted adult brain cell production.It is possible that similar effects could be seen in other mammals,such as humans."
59.From the first paragraph we can draw a conclusion thatC.
A.Girls have better memory and learning functions.
B.Boys are better at co-ordination and sociability.
C.The benefits vary between the sexes.
D.The benefits are the same between the sexes.
60.The researchers proved their ideaB.
A.by questionnaire on parents.B.by experiment on mice.
C.by raising babies themselves.D.by experiment on humans.
61.The underlined word"impacted"meansC.
A.destroyed       B.constructed       C.influenced     D.disagreed
62.What does the passage mainly tell us?A
A.Children brought up by two parents are cleverer.
B.Children brought up by single parent are cleverer.
C.Children grow up themselves are cleverer.
D.Children grow up themselves are more self-confident. 试题答案

分析 本文讲述通过以小白鼠来做实验,证明被两个父母养大的孩子要比单亲的孩子更聪明.

59  C  推断题.根据第一段提到Being brought up by both parents causes boys to have better memory and learning functions.By contrast,it causes girls to develop improved co-ordination and sociability被两个父母养大的男孩记忆力和学习能力要好但它会导致女孩开始协调和社会能力,故选C项.60   B   细节理解题.根据第三段提到The researchers from Canada studied mice and experimented by creatingone-parent and two-parent family groups.可知通过研究小白鼠来进行实验,故选B项.
61   C   词意猜测.根据最后一段提到 In the mouse model,parenting and the environment directly impactedadult brain cell production.It is possible that similar effects could be seen in other mammals,such as humans.在这个实验中,教育和环境会影响成年人的脑细胞的形成,类似效果在其它的哺乳动物身上也会看到,如人类,故选C项.
62   A  主旨大意.本文讲述通过以小白鼠来做实验,证明被两个父母养大的孩子要比单亲的孩子更聪明,故选A项.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.

The health and welfare of every person in America will be affected by global warming, especially children, the elderly and the poor, according to a new White House science report.

The report said every region (地区) of the country will suffer worse health from heat waves and drought. All but a handful of states would have worse air quality and flooding. It predicts an increase in diseases spread by tainted (腐烂的) food, bad water and bugs (臭虫).

The report concludes that climate change causes real risk to human health and human system that supports the way of life in the United States.

Man-made global warming is caused by greenhouse gases from the burning of fossil fuels. At current emission (放射) levels, global temperatures are likely to rise by about 2 degrees by midcentury and about 7.5 degrees by the end of the century.

The most vulnerable (脆弱的) Americans — the poor, elderly, sick, very young and immigrants — will suffer more. That’s at least 10 percent of the country’s population, probably more. It will be tougher for these people to get enough health care for climate-related illnesses, to cool down in heat waves, to escape extreme events such as Hurricane Katrina, and even to get enough food.

While every region of America is vulnerable to global warming’s health and welfare effects, more people are moving to coastal regions, which are most vulnerable to climate change because of drought and hurricanes.

1.According to the report, we learn all of the following will risk human’s health EXCEPT ______.

A. heat waves and drought

B. increase in the number of bugs

C. reduction in carbon dioxide emissions

D. global warming and climate change

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. All of states would suffer flooding.

B. Air quality in few states is not high.

C. About half of all states would have clear air.

D. Flooding would occur in almost all the states.

3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

A. Global warming is caused by human beings.

B. It is wise for the Americans to move into coastal regions.

C. Global temperatures are increasing year by year because of carbon dioxide.

D. At least one tenth of Americans are more likely to suffer climate-related illnesses.

4. The writer wrote this passage to ______.

A. explain how the phenomenon of global warming forms

B. protect the vulnerable Americans from suffering from diseases

C. provide evidence that global warming and climate change risk human’s health

D. warn every American of the danger of global warming to their health